Digital Marketing Overview

Follow the “Client Journey” on their path to purchase.

Here’s how…

Customized Google Analytics

We customize Google Analytics for your business. Reports that generates detailed statistics about your website’s traffic, your marketing campaigns, and your site goals. We install Google Analytics and customize the code specific to your website to measure the performance of your marketing efforts.

The “ART” of digital marketing

The ART (Analytics, Reporting, & Training) of digital marketing is a process of continuous learning, analyzing data, and reporting on our findings. We don’t know what we don’t know and we are not to let opinions get in our way. Understanding your customers is a process and we use data to define them. The more we understand our customers and their behaviours the more we can improve our marketing and messaging to them.

Track individual clients

Our premium analytics tool, Clouseau’s IP Visitor tool, tracks people and their specific activity. Once a visitor has filled out a form we tie in all their past activity to see where they came from, and what they did leading up to the conversion. Tracking people and not page views gives us a deeper understanding of our business. Clouseau IP Visitor is just one of the tools in your Analytics Tool Box.

See who’s on your site

Ever wonder who’s visiting your website? Clouseau’s IP Mapping software lets you see who is on your site and which business they have come from. It’s like caller id for your website. Leads are sent in real time to alert you of your visitor details.

Segment visitors by audience Type

Start by defining your website visitors by audience type. Then use the analytics tools to understand the behaviour of the specific groups of people.  A strong digital analyst will be able to define your website audience segments, the content that is important to each segment, and the conversion path for each audience.

Where’s the value?

Need to calculate a ROI from your website? Now you can. We customize your analytics code and add value tracking or revenue tracking to your analytics to see the exact value of your visitor segments, content pages, marketing campaigns, and more.

Website Management & Monitoring

Websites used to be managed by the IT department. Then they moved to the marketing-design department. Now they are managed by the Marketing Analytics people. Clouseau’s services include website monitoring, up-time monitoring, data reviews, marketing analytics, UX testing, Conversion testing and more.

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Digital Marketing Objectives

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